Maria and I have made a big decision, we have decided to rent Bedlam Farm out for a year or so until the real estate world here rights itself a bit. The farm has been on the market for a year-and-a-half, and lots of people have seen it, but everyone seems to have their own issue – too many barns, not enough farmable land, no two-car garage, one didn’t like the wallpaper in the downstairs hallway. Lots of people have loved it too, but they also had their reasons – weren’t sure about moving, couldn’t get a mortgage, etc.
We are comfortable with this decision to rent, we would be very happy if some good people wanted to live in this beautiful place, sit on the screened-in porch, walk up the hill, hike with their dogs on the mile-long path into the woods. It would certainly ease the financial strain of two farms, but as importantly, we want to see people living there who love it. I hate seeing it empty, those barns should be used.
We would be happy to see some dogs there and some animals in the pasture also, if that was part of the experiment. I wrote seven books there, and I know it is a wonderfully creative place for someone who wanted to write or paint. The barns are great for animals, but they would also make wonderful studios, two have water, one has heat and water. Great for offices, visitors or a family member also.
The biggest issue for us is to find good and responsible people who would care for the farm and be responsible living there, we have worked so hard to fix it up and maintain it. I would be very happy if someone who read the blog and/or my books or who followed Maria’s work wanted to rent it, that would be a connection that would mean much to us. Kristin Preble, the realtor asked if we would be comfortable if people brought animals, and the answer is yes, we would, animals should be there. The farm is dog heaven, there are secure fences/kennels all around the house, they held Frieda and goats, they would hold just about anything.
I don’t want to be selling it here, not my job or skill but I wanted to alert people who read the blog first, before Kristin starts taking ads out next week. And you all have followed this saga, so you have a right to know. I have a feeling it is a hard place to sell right now, but not so hard to rent to the right people. A year there would be a valuable and remarkable experience and wonderful, I think, for anyone who is considering a change in life and wants to make sure. Or who just wants to take a breather, write a book, consider a meaningful life in a beautiful and peaceful place. It would surely make a wonderful second home, a weekend retreat.
If anyone is interested, please don’t contact me or Maria, you can call Kristin Preble directly at 518 854-7888. She and Maria and I will meet with anyone who is serious and we will all want to be comfortable about it. Bedlam Farm is a trust, and I will honor that.