Some new ideas for the blog. I’m dropping the idea of contributions and donations and switching to subscriptions. The blog isn’t a good works project, it’s a new kind of book, an important shift in terminology. I’m considering offering a $3 subscription option in response to the many people who have contacted me and who are under financial pressure. They want to subscribe and pay me for the work here and are struggling to it. The new option should help. The other subscription options will remain – $5 a month, $60 a year. I’m scrapping the one-time payment option. Doesn’t fit with subscriptions or the new notion of a blog, although many people have contributed in that way, and I am grateful. This will help people who are struggling and also help pay me for the work here.
The blog will remain free to those who don’t wish to subscribe or can’t.
Mannix Marketing is also re-building the blog to offer a special version of bedlamfarm.com for smartphone users. The interface will be simpler, the navigation tools larger and easier to manage. People who access the blog on their cellphones or tablets will automatically receive the new smartphone-friendly version. Studies show that by the end of this year, nearly half of blog subscribers and website browsers will be receiving blogs like this one on smart phones. I’ll be ready. Keeping this blog current is a challenge, and an exciting one, keeps me very much in touch with the world.
I hope these changes are helpful and relevant. What really drives the blog is content, not technology, and I will work hard to keep up my end of that.