I have to be honest, my heart sank when I saw the back of the big barn at Bedlam Farm overrun by weeds and thistles. There are no donkeys or sheep to keep the grass down, and the rains have been so heavy and steady for the past month – every single day – that we can’t get tractors into to clear the growth. I took so many photos of this hay feeder, of the donkeys, of Maria, of Rose herding the sheep, it was just hard to see it. It will be gone in a few days, or whenever the sun comes out long enough for the pasture to dry. There was so much work done on the farm to clean it up, restore the buildings, I might just go out there with a weed-whacker my self and try and knock it down. I can’t really stand to look at it, there is a visceral emotional reaction.
It is not a big deal, truthfully, it is challenging to take care of two farms, but the farmhouse and barns grounds are in great shape, we spent the day scraping off some wallpaper downstairs that is peeling in one hallway in all of the humidity. I will just have to be patient and wait for nature to take it’s course. This will not be there for long.