I’m happy to report that “Listening To Dogs: How To Be Your Own Training Guru,” is the number one dog training book on Amazon Kindle’s Training Book Category and moving up on a number of other lists rapidly. The book surpassed Cesar Milan’s “How To Have A Perfect Dog.” On the first day of my blog and facebook discussions about dog training, a riotous debate broke out on Facebook about Cesar Milan and whether he is abusive to dogs. I do not believe Milan is in any way abusive to dogs, the people who argue that do not, in my mind, understand the real life of dogs or of training.
Having said that, I do not use Milan’s theories in my own dog training, I use my own and that is the point of “Listening To Dogs.” My wish for this book is that after people read it, they will begin the process of coming to believe that the best trainers in the world for their dogs are them. This is an empowerment book, it seeks to begin the process of reclaiming training back to the individual and away from the gurus and corporate marketing experts who are taking over the earth. Dog training is not simple, but it is possible and very few experts who don’t know you, your dogs, your family and environment can really give you the answers you want. You can help yourself, and for free. I am excited about “Listening To Dogs” and it’s great first day. I want to keep this going all week, more topics on training tomorrow on the blog and Facebook.
I wrote on Facebook today that I have never seen an angry person who has a well-trained, calm or grounded dog. That is very important. I write about attitude in my book. What’s in our head is as important as what’s in our dog’s head. We are always talking about what they are thinking, but we need to talk about what we are thinking. Check out my book. In the e-book world, no one is promoting this book but me and the blog I love and my community of readers. If you like it, feel free to make some noise for it – share it, like it, review it. I thank you.