Big day at the farm today, Todd Mason (right with his helper Tyler), one of the world’s best fence-makers is fencing in a new pasture out behind the farm, it is rough work – they found two old cars and three dead deer carcasses out back – and worked through bugs, swamp, snakes, bugs, ticks and heavy brush. We are putting up a five-wire electrified fence most for the donkeys, the sheep will also be able to go back there. This is a big step for the farm, it opens up an old cow pasture and gives us enough grass to get us comfortably through what is likely to be a dry, warm summer (they all seem to be now.) Red kept the sheep out while the fence was down. He didn’t move for an hour. I brought Todd and Tyler coffee and donuts and they took a five-minute break. If you don’t bring Todd food, he will never eat or rest.
Todd works harder than any human I know, and is as honest as he is hard-working. I consider him a very good friend, there is nobody I would rather have around in a pinch. The fence will be done today, we will open up the pasture to the donkeys tomorrow. A ceremony for the evolving New Bedlam Farm.