24 May

A Timeless Ritual

by Jon Katz
Morning Chores
Morning Chores

When the vet came to treat Ma, the sheep all clustered around her. One nibbled on her hair, the others came close and sniffed her. You can always tell loved animals, she said, by the way they react to her. It is true, our sheep have woven themselves into the peaceable kingdom. Maria is closer to them than I am, they always seem with the dog, and they are alert around me, looking for Red. Maria comes and talks to them, sometimes brings them treats, they are at ease with her, and so, every morning, I see this timeless ritual enacted again and again, animals who are well cared for and calm, co-existing with people. This can happen with pets, of course, but on a farm, when we live together, it takes on a special healing and nourishing quality. I am grateful for it.

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