An innovative and exciting new art gallery is opening this Saturday in Pawlet, Vt. I had decided to forego selling or showing my photographs but Gregory Deluca persuaded me to print up a half-dozen and sell them inexpensively. He is a huge fan of Maria’s work is showing and selling some potholders and some pillows. We are going there Saturday from 1 to 3 p.m. for the gallery opening, it’s in a beautiful spot outside of Pawlet near Manchester and Dorset, Vt., a great day for taking a Spring ride in the country. Red has also been invited.
Photography has changed with the advent of digital imaging, there are millions of good photographers now but some images are special, wherever they come from. Greg, a former gallery director at the Southern Vermont Arts Center, has chosen photos of Lenore, Ma, some windowsill art, the chickens on the rocking chair and a barn shot or two. Good choices. He agrees with my notion of my photography as being about emotional realism. There is a lot of emotion in the images, but they come from real life, sometimes gritty real life. He is selling six of my photos for $65, a good price I think. You can also order photos on the phone or soon, online. So stop by if you are around and help us celebrate the opening of this gallery. Greg has gathered more than 30 of the best artists in the region and the gallery is different and exciting. You can check out Maria’s stuff on her website.