I’ve decided to do a series of portraits of Zelda (feel free to use them as screensavers or print them out), she is a charismatic and compelling animal. She has touched many other people, I see, and I am constantly amazed at the animals here and how they react to us. Every morning I get up early, and especially when the sun is hitting the back pasture, and now, Zelda is always there, usually by herself, waiting for me, watching for me. I do not give her treats or have all that much to do with her except when I appear with Red, which is interest to her. She stands quite alertly, looks at me directly. I do not know what she is trying to communicate, I have never seen a sheep do this before. Maybe she is reminding me that will kick my ass again if I try and tell her what to do (she is like some other women around here in that way) or maybe she is trying to figure me out. Either way I will pay attention to her as well.