I rarely look back over my photos – they are stored on various hard drives and back-up discs – but I remember that most of the photos of Lenore were out on various paths, sitting with three dogs. I know I have been more drawn to Rose and Red’s spectacular herding photos. Red is a compelling dog to photograph, beautiful intense and focused. In her own way, Lenore is just as spectacular a go. Last night we had dinner on the porch and Lenore was sleeping under one of the chairs. When we came in the house, we didn’t see her and she was fast asleep. When I went to let the dogs out later, I noticed she was gone. We live on a busy road and my first instinct was great alarm, she had been outside for several hours before we noticed. Inside the house, she is so quiet – all the dogs are, we just didn’t realize she was gone. She never barked. She would have stayed out there all night. (There are some things about a grounded and well-bred dog that are just very wonderful and thanks again to Gretchen Pinkel of Kee-pin labs for matching me up with this very wonderful and loving creature.)
I rushed from one door to the other and when I opened the back doors, Lenore was sleeping on the slate porch next to the cats. She was not the least bit rattled, she didn’t go anywhere. I hate to think of what might have happened if Frieda had gotten out, although I suspect Red would have done the same thing as Lenore. There is nothing like a Lab. I am realizing lately that some of the best photos of Lenore those showing her great calm. She loves love, food and rest. The Dao of the Lab.