The vintage hankies that make up the new scarves Maria is making have begun arriving at the farm, and Maria has begun processing them. Some people are sending her hankies, she is tracking others down at thrift shops and online. This very lovely batch from Lesleigh in Wisconsin, and Maria is hand-washing and drying each one of them. Flo didn’t budge from her chair as vintage hankies flapped all around her. Maria has a lot of orders for her scarves, they are coming from all over the country, and it is also great fun to see these distinctive and evocative hanky’s morph into classy and colorful scares. (you can check it out on her website.) Maria was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the response, but she is very happy to see all of this wonderful fabric pouring in.
I loved to see these beautiful things flapping in the wind. I’ll put a photo album up on Facebook in a bit.