To celebrate April, I am engaged in the manly arts of cooking and gardening. Real men support their wives, nourish the environment, cook and garden. I am new to cooking and I love it (my wife does not) and I find it a very creative enterprise.
I decided to make a Pizza Polenta, a light healthy spring pizza and I’ll share the recipe with you. To keep the crust from sticking, I put a mixture of wheat flour and cornbread meal on the pizza stone. I use multi-grain dough from the supermarket.
I bake the crust for five to ten minutes first at 475 degrees, and I mix up pesto, four cloves of chopped garlic, pine nuts and extra virgin olive oil. I spread that on the crust and then sprinkle a light coating of cornbread for a bit of crunch and flavor. I brush the outer crust with a light coating of olive oil.
On this pizza, I chopped up polenta and spread it in a circle around the crust and then to the center, as you can see. I sprinkled sliced dry tomato onto the polenta and then heads of cauliflower in between the polenta and Kale over the polenta, and also some sesame seeds. I added a very light sprinkling of goat cheese on top. Then back in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes.
I have high hopes for it.