If you think the world has gone mad, they are happy to know you,
waiting to serve you, and sell it to you, jangle your nerves, cast some shadows,
make you angry and feel despair.
If you’re looking for madness and mayhem, it is there for you,
you will be accommodated.
You can find what you are looking for.
If you need to see the world as a dangerous place, and prepare yourself for the end,
you can find lots of company, real support, every minute, of every day.
Go to Washington. Turn on the radio. Watch the TV.
Join the left. Or the right. Get an angry bumper sticker, they are cheap.
Get on cable news. Get on Google News.
Check out your notifications from CNN, “Like” some angry manifesto
on Facebook,
get yourself
Fox News or the Huffington Post.
The New York Times is scouring the world for madness
every day, and so is the Weather Channel. And NPR.
They do not look for beauty, only madness. You can find it there.
And on Twitter. Or Facebook. Delivered to your smartphone all day,
every day, just for pennies.
If you’re looking for beauty and light, it is there for you too.
One thing about beauty and light,
they never charge you for it, there are no ads to wade through,
there is no money in it, except for the lift it gives
your beating heart and eager soul.
Anger is repeated all day,
why is beauty never worth repeating?
Sit in your backyard. Feel the sun.
Call up your kid. Cuddle with your spouse. Buy a plant.
Or a pansy. Fall in love. Be loved.
Support a strong woman starting a business.
Or a man who wants to change his life.
Get a dog that needs a home. Buy a puppy.
Take her for a walk.
Let a cat adopt you. Buy a goldfish.
Get a needy donkey and touch their soft and rubbery nose.
Buy a smartphone or a camera and look for some color. Call up you friend and say how
much friendship means to you.
If you’re looking for madness, it is there, it is everywhere.
But not here.
You won’t find it here.
Is the world gone mad? Take a history class,
check out the Dark Ages, and World War II,
and the Black Death.
Is the world gone mad? Or have you?
If you’re looking for beauty and light, it is everywhere.
Your choice.
You get to make it every day.