18 April

Red And Zelda: Strong Woman, Strong Dog

by Jon Katz
Strong Woman, Strong Dog
Strong Woman, Strong Dog

I’ve never known a sheep like Zelda or, for that matter, as competent a dog as Red in the field. Like Rose, he is really a farm dog, professional and focused. Zelda is also remarkable and we have become fond of her, especially since she is no longer knocking me down every other day. Unlike other sheep I have known, she just never submits. She is always alert, always watching out for the others. In every photo you see of Red with the sheep, she is watching him and he is watching her.

She does not challenge him or defy him any more, but neither does she rush to obey him. Here, she wanted to run past him to get some of the treats Maria was giving the donkeys. The other sheep didn’t dare move, Red’s eyes were locked on him or on the ground. Zelda kept her eyes on him, waiting for her shot. She never took it.

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