I so admire the famed photographer George Forss, a legend for his urban landscape and other work, now still a photographer and the owner of the Ginofor Art Gallery in Cambridge, N.Y. George, who was discovered pedding street photographs by the photographer David Douglas Duncan and became a worldwide photographic sensation, saw his New York City cut short by the attacks on the World Trade Center, which were shown in so many of his photographs. I don’t understand precisely what happened, but George left New York City and came upstate, and his works – they graced the covers of magazines worldwide – were eclipsed by the digital revolution in photography.
George is a genius, and a valued friend, and I am fortunate to own several of his works and inspired just by watching him and being near him, and his relationship with Donna Wynbrandt the artist, is a movie waiting to happen. Their love and support for one another always reminds me of the best parts of being human. George never complains about the changes in his fortune, he just keeps writing, taking photos – his hand-made lens adaptors are quite amazing – and pursuing his passion for alien investigations. He has not yet seen an alien, but he is always looking. When they finally come, he says, he wants them to take him. Don’t you worry is his motto. He has bounced back from an attach of congestive heart failure and when it warms up a bit, he and I will do some more shooting together.
Our photographic styles are shocking different. George studies each photo like a painting, and I am, as he says, awfully fast. But he is teaching me how to slow down.
I took this photo Saturday afternoon at his gallery, where Maria and I visited this devoted couple. His work is shown in New York City at the Park Slope Gallery and also on his blog. Since he has come upstate, George has written five books, including Enos, a study of alien life and visitations. None of his books are available in most bookstores but if you e-mail him, he will send them to you. He is the gift that keeps on giving.