Exciting news for me. Maria and I met with Chris Archibee, a good friend and an executive at Mannix Marketing, the designer of my beloved (by me) website. We had lunch at Dish restaurant and every time I meet with Chris, something good happens to the blog. Chris has been the Godfather of bedlamfarm.com from the beginning, and Mannix has supported the growth and design and maintenance of the blog every step of the way. He stops me from doing many things, encourages me in others. I suggested a podcast for Maria, but she just laughed and said it would be good for me. She’s right. We agreed today that I ought to have a Bedlam Farm Podcast, and so we are putting it together.
I’ll start the Podcast once a week – Sundays I think, and inspired by my farm writing hero E.B. White, I broadcast stories from the farm and the animals who live her and commentary about rural life as well. Maria will join me from time to time.
A podcast is a type of digital media consisting of a series of audio, radio, video, PDF, or EPub files subscribed to and downloaded through the Web or streamed online to a computer, tablet or cell phone. Podcasts are wildly popular, the new radio in many ways. I want mine to be a gentle, thoughtful and hopefully useful commentary about my life on the farm, about the donkeys, dogs, cats and chickens. Stories from the farm, from my life, from the drama of rural life. It will probably take a week or so to get rolling, and I will keep you posted as to how and where to subscribe. They are simple to create, easy to find and listen to.
This is an exciting step forward for me, a new way to talk to my readers and the followers of the farm, a new way to introduce my books and thoughts. I am happy to embrace yet another of the many new tools writers have to connect with their audience and to share their work. I am using print, video, blog and now voice to tell my story.