Back from a great talk at the Chatham Public Library in Chatham, N.Y. My Sunday plans. I’ll put up a question topic in the morning. Maria and I will plant two locust trees outside. We will plant about 150 seedlings in plastic trays inside for the garden we are planning out front and around the side of the house. We will caulk the floor around the wood stove for safety. I will post another excerpt from Florence Walrath’s journals. We will install our new clothesline between the house and the studio. I will make a multi-grain pizza and post the recipe. We will walk the dogs through the woods. I will write a book review of the “Demonologist” if I finish it. I will start reading a new mystery trilogy – “Black House” by Peter Jay.
Sounds like a plan. My wonderful wife put this jar and plant on my windowsill. I love her.