Memory is a trickster, a flute, a ripple on the pond,
a world made of fairy dust and sunlight,
poking through leaves in dark woods.
Memory is a magician, with a bag full of tricks,
who knows how blind us, distract us,
and lure us,
into mystery and confusion.
Memory is a salesman who talks so quickly,
we are afraid to ask him what he means,
or said.
Memory is a lover, a seducer, she arouses us,
and pulls us to bed, and then,
to sleep.
Mother is a child,
need and hungry for milk.
A sister, who walks with us into the woods,
and calls us on the phone, and shares
our life with us.
Memory is a mother who comforts us,
sings us sweet songs, knows how to quiet us,
Memory is a rock, that rolls down the hill,
out of reach. We wait, in hope and dread,
for the echoes to reach us,
and tell us the truth,
about who we really are.