When Simon came to Bedlam Farm, he could not stand up, chew or bray. One day, months into his healing, we came out of the farmhouse and were greeted with a bone-rattling bray from Simon, an affirmation that he intended to live, and a celebration. I called the bray a “Call To Life,” and I put the video up on youtube. Simon’s bray became a global rallying cry, a reminder to all of us that life is precious and glorious. Simon brays every time he sees me or Maria and we are used to it. But every now and then, for people who don’t get to hear Simon, I put a call up. Today Fanny added her own bray, and the donkeys hustled me out of a cookie. Red is in the video, the sheep too. Come and see. It seemed especially appropriate today, when we have been discussing grief. Come and see.