8 February

Bedlam Storm Preparations

by Jon Katz
Bedlam Storm Preparations
Bedlam Storm Preparations

The Bedlam Storm preparations are underway as the first flakes fall. I gave carrots to the donkeys (while Red held the sheep off in the background). I’m dropping Maria off so she can volunteer to work at the local food co-op. Maria has relented in her opposition to the cats coming inside for the storm and Flo and Minnie are lounging in their blanket stuffed cardboard boxes in the basement, food and water placed generously around them. I might go into the basement in the storm and let Flo sleep in my lap for a bit and then meditate. That should work. I’ll run over to Battenkil Books and get a couple of books to read tonight and tomorrow – looks like nobody’s going anywhere.

We put the hay feeders in the pole barn for dry eating in snow and wind and we filled a bunch of buckets with water. If power goes out, I have my Kindles charged with books,  and we have wine and firewood, cereal and milk, bananas and apples. Can’t imagine anything else. Hope to take some photos before the heavy stuff hits.

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