7 January

Donkey Plotting: Scheming Against Me

by Jon Katz
Donkey Plotting
Donkey Plotting

Maybe I’m getting paranoid, but I think the donkey’s are plotting against me, seeking revenge for applying two rolls of chicken wire to the barn wall they were busy eating. I rush out to the barn to try and catch them in the act of mischief. So far it has gone well, but I have lived with donkeys for a long time and generally, I acknowledge they are smarter than me, much more patient and much more methodical. They are hanging around the chicken wire, studying it, considering it, maybe plotting their next move. Will they chew the wire off? Gnaw on another part of the barn? Eat the grain pans? We found a traffic cone lying by the side of the road near our home and we put that out along with three pieces of firewood. That might hold them a bit. They are laughing at me, I know it, chuckling. I am watching them.

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