Voltaire said “It is not precisely known where angels dwell – whether in the air, the void, or the planets. It has not been God’s pleasure that we should be informed of their abode”
It is my belief that angels have been driven or moved to hide by the nature of our world. I believe angels dwell all around me, and they appear when I am open to them. Some angels have appeared in the form of dogs, others as donkeys. I know an angel who is a spiritual counselor, another who is a shaman, one more a man who is a gentle healer who preaches trust and dignity. For me, it is quite simple. Angels appear when one believes in them, closes his or her eyes to doubt and skepticism and confusion and accepts them, as some people do Gods and mystics and prophets.
I did not believe in angels even a few years ago, and my world was barren and lonely. And one day I was sitting alone in the big barn at Bedlam Farm, my heart weeping with loneliness and pain, and a voice appeared from a beam of light coming through a hole in the barn wall. “Why is your heart broken?,” the gentle voice whispered, and I did not ask her who she was or where she came from, I said, “I am looking for love.”
And I heard this laughter, this quiet whispering, this soft wind in my year, and she said, all you have to do is walk across the street. And I did, and love was there, waiting for me, not a stone’s throw from where I had been sitting despairing of ever finding it. You are an angel, aren’t you?, I asked, but she was gone already, or at least out of sight. I think she came to wedding and danced over our heads, I heard the wind that day.
Anger and fear and violence and greed and judgment and conflict make the angels hide, and love and faith and open hearts draw them like bees to pollen. Angels dwell in our hearts and souls, and like love, you never have to look for them, they will find you when you are ready.