Simon had a good Christmas. Apples, carrots, oat and molasses cookies. I am beginning work on my book about Simon, and history includes Rocky and Red. I am thinking of telling the story through two narrators, Simon and. I will write every other chapter in my voice, the alternate chapters from Simon’s point-of-view, telling the story as I think Simon might have experienced it. I wrote “Rose In A Storm” from the dog’s point of view, but I didn’t get her a voice. I think I will give Simon a voice and we will tell history from two points of view – the donkey and the human, split down the middle. It will be fascinating for me to imagine Simon’s perception of his being taken from his farm, brought to Bedlam Farm and of his now famous and painful confrontation with Rocky, a blind Appaloosa pony.
Simon also was present for the arrival of Red, and I would like to write about their complicated relationship. I need to give Simon a voice.
I like this approach, telling one story from these two different perspectives.