How lucky I am to be able to watch, learn from and pass along the stories of real animals in their real lives. Simon has tried to crush Red more than once. He has bitten him, charged at him, tried to stomp him. Red has responded with his usual professionalism and focus – my big fear for Red is that something will threaten him while he is working, and I think he would definitely go down with the ship rather than run. In the past month, Simon has changed, and Red has also. Red positions himself near Simon, and Simon – these are two dominant males in the pasture – leans over to sniff him, then stands alongside of him.
I am relieved to see this and fascinated by it. The two seem in some strange way to respect one another. Both take their animal identities seriously, neither one quits or backs down. Simon watches Red carefully but seems to have made some good decision about him. I think this photo captures the new relationship as well or better than I can describe it.