In the next few day’s, it will be Rocky’s time, Mother’s time. We will let Rocky out with the donkeys in daylight, and see if our strategy – to let them know one another through slats in gates will work, and whether Mother will adjust to her new home safely and intuitively. Winter is fast approaching and we need to resolve these issues and organize our life so we are prepared for what comes.
I believe that animals work things out usually, given the opportunity and all things – food shelter, pecking order – are considered equal. Rocky seems at ease around the donkeys, Simon at ease around him. I have a lot of confidence in Mother’s intelligence, connection with us, and happy hunting instincts (there are plenty of mice around that barn). Minnie is nearly a house cat, she is so attached to people and the animals.
A life with animals is not predictable. In the animal world, as in the political world, people are drawn to tell other people how to live and what decisions to make, drawn to judgements. A life with animals almost demands the ability to learn not to listen to people, even though that can be narrowing and self-defeating sometimes. I have come to viscerally dislike self-righteousness, the animal world, like politics, a spawning ground for judging people. Animals do not mean that for me. All about love and growth and my own idea of responsibility. When I need reinforcement, I like to read Thoreau, who reminds me that self-determination only comes when you love yourself and your decisions and do not presume to tell other people what to do, or to know what they should do.
It is hard to see this blind pony frightened and confused, or hurt or chased. We have been through so much with Rocky, he has come so far. It would be awful if something happened to Mother, who has been with me for years, an animal I love and admire. There is always some danger in transitions. Still, life sometimes requires that we do what we can, construct our plans, and take the plunge, what we are going to do with both of these remarkable creatures. Humans believe we can control the world and determine outcomes, even in alien creatures. I have learned otherwise in my life, where outcomes have a mind and spirit of their own. We might release the cats from their crates today – this will be Maria’s decision, I think, as she is closer to cats than I am. Or we might wait a day or two. I’m thinking I’ll try to let Rocky and the donkeys loose today, maybe tomorrow if things are too busy for me to be out there.