A truly amazing piece of farm architecture came to the farm today, courtesy of Tomiym of Common Sense Farm, a chicken lover and builder of extraordinary and legendary custom designed chicken coops. The design of this coop – I’ll show it in more detail as we get it ready for the chickens is miraculous. There’s a place to reach in for eggs, a feeding area, a ladder for the chickens to climb up, a copy roost up top, and a flat shelf to clean out the inevitable chicken mess. I stained the cedar shingles, Maria put on the first coat of prime, and we will paint it red tomorrow, and then go get our chickens, the last live creatures on Bedlam Farm.
This coop is also portable, there are two wheels on the end, so we can move it inside in big storms or if we want to change locations. Heated water bucket goes below and when the door is closed, nothing can get in from the outside. Tomiyn helped us clear away the old collapsed barn and his work is inexpensive and wonderful. I love the Bedlam Farm Rolling Chicken Coop. I suspect the chickens will love it, too, and we won’t have to crap up the barn.