16 October

The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm 2.0

by Jon Katz
The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm 2.0

The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm 2.0 (once the original Bedlam Farm is sold, we’ll just call it Bedlam Farm) are adjusting. They seem at ease in their dog area – not shown here- although Red just stares at the sheep outside the fence. Frieda barks at the trucks going by and Lenore is at peace anywhere, plenty of awful stuff to root out and eat.

We plan to walk the dogs out behind the rear pasture.

Frieda is already taking her guard duties seriously, and that is good news for me, bad for the inconsiderate people. Frieda is a life force. She is also my next book, “Frieda: A Love Story,” about how Frieda helped bring Maria and me together, and also about how Maria and I came together. Out next year.

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