15 October

A Full Day

by Jon Katz
Full Day

A full day. We spent the night at the new farm, and it was exciting, different. We came back to Bedlam Farm to handle the chickens and cats and other chores and then I returned. The driveway was filled with trucks – electrician, plumber, Ben. There was new wiring. A new faucet for the kitchen. A new toilet for the bathroom. Work on clogged drains. New outlets. Wires to Maria’s Studio Barn. Replacing rotten stills. Replacing galvanized pipes. Taking out pipes to baseboard heating. Fixing leak in the basement. Installing outlets for washer/dryer. Ran out at noon to see my naturopath, a good man who told me I was bearing up very well. I love my doctor.

I was hearing all kinds of technical talk all day I did not understand. The crew returns tomorrow. Hopefully, we will move within the next two weeks. Money is flowing like a swollen river, all to good affect. Worked on acclimating Rocky with the donkeys (much advice and abuse pouring in via the miracle of electronic communications – easy there people, it will all be fine). My photo library just crashed and I am trying to repair it. Talk to you soon.

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