It has been a long and intense process and it is not nearly over yet. But we took a big step towards our new home when Ken Norman came to bring the donkeys over to the new farm. I did a little movie, starting yesterday, working through this afternoon that will hopefully capture a feel for the day and the process. We are drained, worn, exhausted. The new farm is beginning to be the center. Bedlam Farm has three chickens and two barn cats and we will be staying there awhile longer.Tonight, we are staying over in our new home.
We have a nice fire going and will spend our first night here. The dogs have their yard, the sheep are settled, the donkeys edgy but exploring. The donkey move was a big one, and we are all adjusting – the donkeys, Rocky, us. We got a fifth sheep today, and she and Red tangled and I included some footage of that too. Come and see.