It was remarkable to see these two well-known and much loved animals meet this afternoon. A lot of people around the world were waiting to see how it might go. It was less dramatic than we feared, much sniffing and snaring. Simon came up to get a close look and Rocky was seeking him out, listening and sniffing. I think they will soon be hanging out together.
The move went well. Ken Norman and his associate Eden got the donkeys onto the trailer without too much of a struggle and the donkeys were eager to explore every inch of the new farm. They are now grazing with the sheep. Video coming tonight or early tomorrow – lot of footage to go through. We are spending the night at our new home. Ben moved a bed and dresser in, along with our hay feeder. Ben just continues to me an amazing presence in the move, the glue and heart and craftsmanship that is making it all happen. We are so lucky to have him in our lives. Ken Norman too. I’ve known Ken since I came to the farm, and he has seen me at my best and worst, and my appreciation and admiration for him does nothing but grow.