9 October

Going Home

by Jon Katz

This meaty part of the book tour ended last night. I have talks left in the Northeast, but no more grueling days or planes or media escorts. Back to driving myself, paying for my own meals. Back to my good camera. A part of me.
On the way home today, a 15 hour journey ending at Bedlam Farm at midnight. Then the move. Book tours are strange experiences, exhilarating, grueling, challenging, physical and mental ordeals. I am spent, my body and mind. Disrupted, out-of – whack. Found myself wandering a bit at readings, brusque once or twice in my answers towards the end. I try never to do that, but I am all too human. I am also stimulated, challenged, focused and ready to return to life and work. I have lots of both. So happy to be with Maria, here and there. People love her, see her goodness, creativity, warmth.
Back to real life, many realities. I am anxious, eager.
Heading to the airport. Need to reclaim my center.
Thanks to all the good people who came to see me and share my life.


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