The wood sides are going up on the Pole Barn Monday. Ben put up two boards on the left side – we were going to enclose that side, but I realized it wouldn’t give the animals enough in and out access and mucking out the barn would be a problem, especially in the winter. We need to get straight in and out with shovels, even a tractor. So Ben took the boards down. The sides will go up next week and also plastic on the left side in the upper section to let sun and light in. It faces the South. We couldn’t build a South facing barn as we would have wished, but this will let the light in.
I told Ben to go play gold this afternoon and he did. The barn comes out about 16 feet and is roughly 30 feet long. Good space for three donkeys, four sheep and a blind pony. A hay feeder will go out front and one will also be built on the back wall for bad weather. Ben’s next mission is to fix up Maria’s Studio Barn.