Rocky is figuring things out. At mid-day when the sun is strong and the flies oppressive, he makes his way into his stall, with or without Red. He avoids the pole out front now – we put a covering on it yesterday – and he gazes out at his pasture. In the evening, he wanders out and grazes and then makes his way back in the dark. He is adapting. He will be fine with the donkeys and sheep, I think he likes company, and is watching us all much more closely, coming to us much more easily.
I sense his curiousity is rising he seems more alert. He’s a character and I think he will have some fun, once the dust settles. Red didn’t hang around him so much today, and he seemed more confident. Saturday Maria and I will be at the Adirondack Museum in Blue Mountain Lake, N.Y. She is part of a fiber show and demonstration there from 10 to 4. I will bring the camera and be official hanger-on and lunch-getter. The blog will be quiet much of the day and I wish a peaceful and meaningful weekend for all of you.