5 September


by Jon Katz
Ben Spackling

Ben Osterhaudt has finished the repairs on our slate roof – couple of hard weeks in the sun for him, fending off bees and sun. It rained today and he moved quickly into the living room to spackle the walks in preparation for our painting them this weekend. We are torn between off white and light gray. Ben thinks we might consider light gray and Maria and I think he’s right.

Next week, he starts work on a shelter for the donkeys and the sheep and Todd Mason arrives to work on the fences. On Friday I meet the cable man. Getting cable installed for the first time in my computing life. Can’t wait for that.

Still, I have to concede that Maria and I are under pressure, more than we have ever been under, between selling the farm, fixing up the new place and preparing to move in. An expensive time, a draining time. I am very determined about getting into that place, it is where we belong. Had somebody come by for a second look at the farm, and they seem to like it. We’ll see. We have learned to be cautious.

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