The Hubbard Hall Writer’s Workshop, which is my privilege to lead, came to Bedlam Farm Sunday. John Greenwood, Rachel Barlow, Jen Baker-Porazinski, Diane Fiore, (Becki Trudell couldn’t make it today) and Kim Gifford, who brought her new pug Waffles. Waffles came wearing denim skirt with pockets, and she was extraordinarily well behaved, even around Frieda, who looked at one point as if she was considering eating Waffles. Kim is one of the fascinating and creative members of the workshop – we are planning to publish a book on rural life, to which we all are contributing. Kim is a writer, artist and teaching, and she is focusing her writing on her love and involvement with pugs. Her art is brilliant, and her writing about her dogs is insightful and very touching. Sometimes very funny. She is consolidating all of her work on a new blog, and in the meantime you can check out her art and her writing here.
Kim is gifted in so many ways, but I am encouraging her to focus some of her writing on pugs, and one of the stories she wants to write is about a Pug Wedding in Vermont. She can tell you about it herself. There is a remarkable amount of talent in this group and I ‘ll be posting links to their emerging blogs in the coming weeks and months. You will be hearing a lot from them. We met for four hours on the porch and I think none of us wanted it to be over. This group is talented, encouraging, very special, a gift to me.