Bedlam Farm is suffused with love, a peaceable kingdom. It is healing and nourishing to see it, to be a part of it. From Lenore to the chickens to our sweet donkeys to my most wonderful wife and partner, there is a gentleness and trust about the place. The farm works magic on the people and animals who live here. It is happening to Maria’s new sheep also. They were so skittish when they came, they fled and butted and kicked Red.
When Maria and I come out of the farmhouse in the morning, every animal in the place heads for her and she has a smile and a laugh and some words for each of them. This morning, she also brought a can of corn for the sheep and the donkeys wanted some also. Chickens and barn cats too. Seeing this just warms me up from the inside out. I am so lucky to have this in my life.