19 August

Hannah In The Country: Last Day

by Jon Katz
Hannah Elman

Hannah Elnan, one of my Random House editors, is leaving for New York today. I’m taking her to the train in Albany. She made us a wonderful meal last night – eggplant rolls with ricotta and spinach and a multi-grain pizza with a pesto sauce yellow squash, feta cheese marinated in balsemic vinegar and a crust with a light sauce, zucchini, basil, fresh mozzarella, goat cheese and onion. George Forss and Donna Wynbrandt came in George’s ancient UFO Investigations Vehicle, sporting more than 300,000 miles. We could hear it coming from the next town. Jenna Woginrich played the fiddle.

Hannah, a quiet person, seemed to drink in the quiet of the country and the farm did some of its magic on her. She bonded with Mother the barn cat, brushed the donkeys, walked on the path, read on the porch. In between, we talked some about my 2013 book, “Frieda And Me: Second Chances.” She likes it, wants me to do so more work on it. I am lucky in editors.  All good work.

Hope she comes back soon. Off to Albany. Thanks for coming, Hannah. Meant a lot.

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