Thursday morning, from ll a.m. to noon, and most Thursdays after that, I will be at Battenkill Books, Cambridge, N.Y., taking pre-orders for three upcoming books: “Dancing Dogs,” my first short story collection, “Lenore Finds A Friend,” my second children’s book, and the revised paperback edition of “Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die.” All three books are out in September. I have set a goal of selling 1,500 books for Battenkill Books (we sold 1100 copies of “Going Home” last fall there.) Battenkill Books is an independent bookstore, my local bookstore. You can call 518 677-2515. I’ll help Connie take orders.
All over the country, local and independent businesses are struggling to compete with corporate behemoths like Wal-Mart and Amazon who use great volume, outsourcing of work and cheap labor to set low prices. Individuality is one of the greatest traditions in American life, and individuality and service thrive at independent bookstores, one of their last redoubts in the Corporate Nation. Amazon has its place, and people ought to shop where they want, but me and other local writers have found a way to help support this great bookstore and sell books too. I don’t want to live in a Box Store World, online or off. I will of course, sign and personalize any books pre-ordered through Battenkill. You can call me Thursday morning or simply go on Connie’s website (www.battenkillbooks.com) and pre-order through Paypal or a credit card. Hope to talk to you soon. I’ll bring Red.