12 August

Creative Leap: A New Kind Of Bedlam Farm Journal.

by Jon Katz
New Bedlam Farm Journal

I’m not changing the Farm Journal, but Sunday I brought the video camera over to the new farm and I decided to try at something new, a creative leap that involves presenting the Farm Journal in a different way every now and then. I wouldn’t want to do daily as this approach is  time consuming, although I very much enjoyed the challenge and want to put it out there and see if it flies.

My life lends itself to words – long-form book writing, photography – still images, and moving images – video and film.  So I am making small movies in a different way, hopefully evolving. Learning. I’m drawn the documentary form (I produced some documentaries with Bill Moyers for CBS News when I was there, and my life now with animals lends itself to mini-docs.) I am increasingly drawn to the visual. And Steve Jobs gave me the tools.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been working with Imovie on audio as well as video production. I have begun inserting narration into the body of my videos, giving me the chance to narrate my voice over moving images. So I can produce my Journal in a number of ways – words, still and moving images, sound. I appreciate the opportunity to use technology to further my writing. It is expensive, sometimes difficult and challenging. It is also very rewarding. I have the same feeling I had when I started taking photographs – something inside of me wants to come out.

Maria and I very much like the Farm Journal I produced yesterday. It has many of the wonderful elements of my life – Maria, Lenore and Red (Frieda will get her turn), our new home, the friendship between  Red and Rocky, our joyous but unexpected decision to renovate as much of the new farmhouse ourselves as we can. I think it also caught the nature of our lives – intense, creative, chaotic, surrounded by animals who pop up everywhere. Red is always watching me, and Sunday I was watching him.

Yesterday’s Farm Journal is devoted to our day at the New Bedlam Farm, our restoration of the Nasty Pantry, covered in grime and dirt, and of course, the presence of wonderful animals watching, hovering and living their lives. Come and see something new and share my journey. It is my faith to listen to the creative spark.

You can support me and my work by taking a look and purchasing “The Story Of Rose: A Man And His Dog,” available every where digital books are sold for $2.99  (the enhanced edition with eight videos is $3.99) and “Dancing Dogs,” my first short story collection,  a paper and e-book, now available for pre-order and onsale September 25. My next children’s book, “Lenore Finds A Friend,” will be published on September 5 by Macmillan. You can check out some of the early reaction to “”Dancing Dogshere. I am very excited about it. This book can also be pre-ordered, signed and personalized from my favorite independent bookstore, Battenkill Books. They sold more than 1,000 copies of “Going  Home” last year. We’re shooting for 1,500 with “Dancing Dogs.”


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