11 August

Selling The Farm. A Turning Point

by Jon Katz
Turning Point: Selling Bedlam Farm

Bedlam Farm has been on the market for more than nine months. During the winter no one came to look at it. In the Spring we began to advertise, and consistently lowered the price. Lately, things have changed. People have begun to look at the farm, now reduced in price to a firm $375,000 (we just don’t want to lower it more for several reasons). We’ve done altars, meditations, totems and stones, energy attraction exercises of the mind. I’ve always had the feeling that this new price – we started at $475,000 – will get things moving.

Today the most wonderful thing happened. The family I have been dreaming of appeared, people from a congested Northeast state who are looking to change their lives. People without pretension or artifice. People who have had to deal with some hard realities of our world. People who are honest and direct. I turned to our realtor Kristin Preble when they left after a thorough three-hour tour, and I said “Kristin these are the ones. They are nice, honest, and they love the place.”  She smiled back at me, nodded.. “I hope so,” she said. I could feel something different, and she agreed. We have seen a lot of the city people who come up with so much attitude, fuss about the taxes or the kitchens, play mind games, make all sorts of demands, ask all sorts of picky questions, diddle and dally.

I don’t know if this family will want the farm or not, of if they will buy it – they have, I am sure, a lot of thinking to do. But it was thrilling for me to see people come here who got the place, could imagine all kinds of wonderful uses for the barns and property and who are seeking to change their lives in a meaningful way. People who love books, creativity, dogs. People who are so very real. For me that is the kind of energy I have seen seeking, waiting for. The match I want for this farm, which Maria and I love so dearly.

They did more for me than they know, coming up here, smiling and laughing, loving the barns, the view, the path. Their visit confirms that there are people who love this place, who get it. It is not just a place for them, it is important to them. I know they were close, I knew they were coming. I knew it. I don’t know if this family will decide to buy the farm, I do not have that kind of crystal ball, and in a way it doesn’t matter. They did me the wonderful favor of affirming my faith in this place, and in the idea that the right people will find it.

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