Publishing an e-book, like everything else to do with technology is not always simple. But it is exciting. Amazon withheld release of the enhanced edition of “The Story Of Rose” because of some technical issues, and they are being cleared up and the enhanced edition has been released this morning. I was flooded with messages from people waiting for this version of “The Story Of Rose,” and I am pleased to tell you it has been moved up from its August 13 release date. It is onsale on Amazon here.
The enhanced version, for those many of you who are asking has the same text as the regular version, but with 60 color photographs and eight videos including one I took the morning of Rose’s death but could not quite bear to put up on YouTube. The enhanced version is already available at bn.com and Ibooks and both versions are bestsellers there and thanks for that.
So many of you have asked that I want to be honest: the enhanced edition is gorgeous, the most innovative book I have ever done, telling Rose’s story in words, moving images and the best still photogaphs that I could cull from my archives. It is a new kind of narrative, the new kind of book. And many of you are posting wonderful messages about it, as well as the standard version. It is only $3.99 and I understand money is tight, but it is still less than a bran muffin at Starbucks and I think you would not regret seeing it. I think it is the future of books in some ways. As I mentioned, it is already available on Ibooks and Bn.com and now on Amazon also. Thanks again for your wonderful support of this book. Again, the Amazon link is here.