“The Story Of Rose,” my first e- book original, will be released at midnight tonight wherever digital books are sold – Amazon, Bn.com, Ibooks, Ipads, Iphones, Kindles, Nooks, computers. Tomorrow Red and Lenore and Maria and I will be at Battenkill Books – 6 p.m. – to talk with Connie Brooks, the store’s owner about this book and the impact of e-books on publishing, writing, bookstores and readers. Connie will also have my paper books on sale for purchase and signing.
Red and I stopped by the bookstore yesterday to sign some books. Red is a rather complete working dog. He loves to work with sheep, but he also loves bookstores and grasps the different nature of my work. I took out the camera, pointed out at the bench in front of the bookstore and Red hopped up and started cuddling with Connie, a true dog lover. He understands the different nature of my work. You can pre-order any of my books through Battenkill and I will sign them when they come in. The store’s number is 518 677 2515. Connie says she is swamped with calls about the e-book, people wanting to know how to order it, some wanting to know how they can get it without purchasing an Ipad or a Kindle.