I had a lot of feeling for the people and animals in Rocky’s stall today and I knew I had to capture it. It was a special moment. Our friend Mary Kellogg, the poet from North Hebron came bye to look over the new house and she wanted to meet Rocky. We took her out to the stall and Maria and Red came along (Red seems to always come along). Bedlam Farm animals usually come under a spell. Lots of nice people come to visit them with cookies and kind words, and they respond to it. Rocky was very people-shy when I first met him, and he is changing. This was a party he wanted to come too. He nuzzled Maria and Mary and sniffed Red, who stands guard in front of his stall.
Rocky, like Red, is picking up on the farm vibe, getting into this people-greeting and nuzzling.
Mary is working on her third volume of poetry. The first two “My Place On Earth,” and “Whistling Woman” have sold thousands of copies. She is an amazing friend and it was like a blessing to have her come into the barn and meet Rocky, who led me, then Maria to our new home. Animals are magical helpers sometimes, guiding us where we need to go.