The idea of a home, and the nature of real estate has changed in the past few years. I never thought much about real estate. When you wanted to move, you just put your house on the market and someone bought it, and usually pretty close to what you were asking. Real estate is different new, fraught with strategies and omens and anxiety. One can no longer simply move when they want to without giving it some thought.
People wish me good luck on selling Bedlam Farm as if I were going to Afghanistan, worry and concern in their voices and eyes. None of this precludes the excitement Maria and I feel about buying our new home. Went to the bank this morning and took out a big chunk of cash for the certified check – that had me breathing heavy. We got some biscotti to bring to the closing, and Red is coming. I’ll make lunch for Maria – she is cranking out some very beautiful summer potholders – and then we’ll drive to the bank. My bank is Farm Credit East, a farmers co-op and unlike most banks, they are very humanist. You still feel like a human being when you deal with them, and they understand the drama of farms.
Then we’ll go over our new home, check in on our new horse. I think I ought to take Maria out to dinner tonight to celebrate. I feel exhilaration, this is a big step, a big move forward. Our heads are spinning with possibilities, and out there in the ether, some lucky human is going to get interested in Bedlam Farm.