I woke up at 2 a.m. this morning, my mind racing with closing details – home insurance, utilities, calls to the lawyer, cashier’s checks, taking the car in for repairs, binders, passwords and codes, how to pay for two mortgages, getting some water to Rocky on this hot day, new electrical lines, meeting with the fence builder.
I got up to read – it is stifling here today – and I read three messages, early in the morning, and each one touched my heart and lifted me up and I will share them with you.
– Betty Barbour wrote from Worthington, Maine to tell me that a package arrived from Amazon for her husband Dick this week and she asked him what it was, and he said “it’s a Kindle. I got it so I can read Jon Katz’s new book, which is in electronic format only.” Betty thanked me. I thank her and Dick.
– Sandy wrote from Tennessee she has made some changes in her life as well and many people have doubted and questioned her. She left “secure” work for a new life. “The future is what you make it,” she wrote. “It’s not always easy or fun but should be fulfilling and wonderful when you follow your heart. Have fun with it.” You too, Sandy.
– Sue Merrill, who is 73 and reads this blog brings her flowers to market every weekend – she also does weddings and events with the help of her husband and son – at the South Carolina Market Place – was dismantling her tent when she saw a beautiful red border collie. “I thought I was seeing ‘Red,’ she wrote. “I rushed over to inquire about this beautiful dog and was told by Paul that he is the son of your Red. I just couldn’t believe it. Paula told me she worked with Karen Thompson and knows my blog well. The dog’s name is “Flex.” She was on Cloud 9 for the rest of the day. Even Red’s sons and daughters are famous.
“It is a small world and everyday I am so grateful to plug into Bedlam Farm Journal and become inspired by your beautiful essays, poems and photography. So thank you. Thank you from my heart. You will do wondrous and beautiful new things at your new Bedlam Farm with Maria and your devoted animals. I eagerly await each new adventure. With love, Sue Merrill.”
It is a small world, Karen Thompson e-mailed me later. Flex was one of Red’s 70 children. He is a lover and worker.
I was so moved by these messages of the heart. To get messages like that in the dark of night from Tennessee, Maine, South Carolina helped me shed the cares and worries of the mundane world and remember what is important, why I am here, what love means, what I am about. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and imagine the beautiful and wondrous things coming to your lives as well.
You lift my heart.