Good things are happening to George Forss, our friend and the celebrated urban landscape photographer. We met George and his companion, the artist Donna Wynbrandt at the Dish Restaurant in Greenwich, N.Y., for dinner. We have dinner with George and Donna once a week and talk with them as often as we can. Things are getting exciting for George. He has three shows in the works – one with Donna in October in Jackson, N.Y., one in New York City in the fall at the Park Slope Gallery. And on with me – “Found Worlds” – when he gets a break in his show schedule. George has a new blog up, and so does Donna.
George has started selling his works again, the black and whites in New York which made him famous, and some new work and digital versions of earlier work he is selling off of his new blog. He is a brilliant photographer and that will be recognized again, even in our distracted world. He also keeps his alien investigations van – an old VW with 300,000 miles on it – in shape. He fiddles with the battery and spark plug ever time he drives it.
I love listening to George, whose conversation ranges from philosophy to art to aliens. He runs an art gallery – the Ginofor – in Cambridge, N.Y. He knows his stuff. He has just finished his fourth book on the state of the world, and he is e-mailing it to people for free. He is not interested in the commercial side of publishing. I am hoping to find a writer who will take on George and Donna’s story, one of the loveliest and most touching I have ever heard. I would do it myself, but I can’t. Have books under contract to Random House, and they will need to be about animals. George and Donna love one another deeply and their love is an inspiration to me and to Maria.