I am pleased to announce that my first E-Book Original, “The Story Of Rose,” is now available for pre-ordering on Amazon, Bn.com, and through the Kindle, Nook, Ipad and Google Reader tablets. The book – a full -sized original book with videos and photos (IBooks is offering an enhanced edition) is priced at $2.99.
This is a big step for me in my writing life. The official publication date is August 9, but the book went up on book sites this morning. A few years ago, I could not have imagined a book of mine being priced at $2.99 but I support it. More books are being read by more people than ever, and new pricing is a part of the reason. My other books will all be in paper this year and in coming years, but this is a market I have wanted to explore for years and I am grateful to Random House for their work in putting this very innovative book together. Apple’s version is offering a dozen videos and more than 100 photographs and slide-shows at the end of every chapter. The other versions will have fewer videos. It is the most beautiful book I have ever published, and I love the way it comes to life graphically. Random House’s designers did a brilliant job with it. It is a beautiful expression of my writing, my photography, and my wonderful and beloved dog Rose. It is an entirely new and original book, most of the stories not written before, even on the blog.
I am excited about it. It is gorgeous and powerful, I think and hope. I can’t wait to explore this field further.
A new chapter for me.
It is a testament to my life with Rose, the many adventures we had together, a tribute to the power of a dog to chance a life. It is not a sad or morbid book. I am not expecting to see Rose on any bridge. She is free now, and I hope she is running in fields of gold. I hope you get it and I hope you like it.