I had elaborate plans for Red when Karen Thompson sent him up here. I wanted to work with him, to acclimate him to life in a house, and also to socialize him and bring him gradually into my world. Red has his own plans, his own Fast-Track Acclimation. He knows how to work, he lives perfectly well in a house, and he has begun socializing me in earnest. I no longer dare go anywhere without bringing Red, his friends and his girlfriends waiting for him at every stop along the way. We pull in, he hops out of the car, greets every woman he can find, hops back into the car.
I went to Gardenworks to get tomatoes today and Red made some new friends, Meg Southerland, who owns Gardenworks and Arlene and Nicole, who work there. I don’t really have a plan any longer, other than to keep going. I plan to keep posting an album of Red’s new friends, and he is making some new ones for me as well. He had a more elaborate plan than I did. Red loves women at least as much as he loves moving sheep around. Love and work. Freud had it.