We are ready for the art show. Kevin Taylor is coming to help with security and parking. Red and I are ready to do some sheep demos. Maria has all the art hung up in the barn. It’s all organized and arranged. She has food prepared for the artist’s reception at 1 p.m. I’ll give a talk there. Red and Lenore will meet and greet. Simon too. Jenna Woginrich is bringing ice. Mary Kellogg will read some poems. Mary Muncil will be around to meet some of the many people who love herĀ very popular blog but haven’t met her.
The artists works look wonderful. So does the farm. The theme is “Anointing The Goddess.” This morning, Maria and I were talking and we realized that the real goddess of the day is Bedlam Farm, the mother of all this. And all of the artists and the people coming are anointing her, loving her, saying goodbye to the best farm in the world.