There is a lot going on in my life – too much? I don’t think so. But a lot. I’ve been so absorbed with Red the last few days I almost missed the beautiful daisies planted outside of the Pig Barn. Someone is coming to look at the farm next week. Sounds serious. We’ll see. Haven’t even really dealt with the idea of moving this horde across to the New Bedlam Farm. Where will the barn cats go? The chickens? How many fences? The new place is not ours yet, so we are in limbo, in between one reality and another.
Dogs have always marked the passage of life for me, at least my adult life. Red’s presence suggests another passage, I am not yet clear what it is. He is the kind of dog – like my other dogs – who takes you places, and I love the number three for dogs. Frieda has her own role, guarding the farm, patrolling the fences. Lenore spreads love and ease everywhere — and Red? I don’t know. He could be anything, really, a therapy dog, a trial dog, a wonderful companion. We are buds already. I went to Gardenworks today to get some strawberries and Red came along. He hopped into the car – just said “kennel up” – and I forgot I didn’t have a leash. We walked inside, he greeted some admirers, kept an eye on me, stood by my side while I shopped and paid and then hopped back into the car.
I thought it would take months for him to do that – this is the second day. Some dogs just fit you like a glove. I have three like that. Red seems fine out of the crate now, finding corners and spaces to hole up and watch me. He is always near me.
Maria and I have been doing obedience training. I’ll write about that tomorrow. If he’s tired, he’s also done quite a number on me.