This weekend’s Art Show is supported by some great dogs – Red, Lenore (scratching and belching) and Frieda, the newly (relatively) mellow dog. We all spent the morning helping Maria get ready for “Anointing The Goddess,” to be held on June 23-24 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Six compelling artists and their work. A farewell to Bedlam Farm. Collage, streaming pillows, potholders, paintings, notecards, photographs. Red and Lenore and Frieda will be hanging around. Red might be ready to herd some sheep in the meadow.
Simon and Lulu and Fanny will be happy to great their many admirers. Mary Muncil will be here, so will Mary Kellogg, who will be reading a poem. Connie Brooks of Battenkill Books will be at the farm selling copies of my books for me to sign on the spot. Last chance to visit Bedlam Farm,and a great chance to see a wonderful art show organized by the Goddess Of Bedlam Farm, the wondrous Maria. No dogs please. Gardenworks will offer food and rest facilities right down the hill. Details here.
Red has jumped into the mainstream of life here. He herded sheep three times. He sat in Maria’s lap. He went on two walks. He is lying next to me as I write. He helped clean out the pig barn. He went with me to Gardenworks. He’s going to meet the vet at 4, then we’ll work with sheep again if there’s time. It’s Yoga Night.
Somebody wrote that Red reminded them both of Izzy and Rose. I have to think about that but there is something to it.